Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Dreaded Fresh Air and Exercise

We are well into our extra-long Christmas break (begun a week early thanks to snow days.)  And despite numerous new toys and lots of festivities, we have all slid into the inevitable mid-break slump.  What does this mean?  Way too much time in front of the computer.  Way too much time at video games.  Way too much Spongebob.  And a bit too much snacking.

So today, at Sam's request, we ventured out for some "fresh air and exercise," a phrase I remember my parents tossing around when *I* was the one slumped around the house--and I remember not being too fond of those words back then.

But:  It's true. That's exactly what this bunch needed.

So up to the rec center to play basketball and tennis.

We briefly played "Horse," then switched to just throwing the ball madly at the hoops.

A shot of our indoor swimming pool, which suddenly became crammed with people a few minutes after taking this picture.

Benny makes a shot!


After this, we moved onto tennis and that was very good exercise, because we spent most of our time chasing the ball and very little time actually standing around hitting it.

Then it was home for lunch and-----more video games, more time in front of the computer.  Oh well-at least we had a good break.  And this is part of the experience, right?  In any case, I have a feeling the kids (whether they admit it or not) will be ready to get back to school and see their friends again soon.


Bigfoot said...

I'm all for fresh air and exercise, but I'm positive that there's no such thing as too much Spongebob.

Tracy said...

Fresh air and exercise are exactly what this crew needs too...and we're not even snowed in!