Monday, December 13, 2010

Is It Snowing Yet?

Last night I watched FROSTY THE SNOWMAN for the--I don't know, the hundredth time?  And for the first time, I noticed what an emphasis the story puts on the first snowfall of the year.  It's magical, they say, and that's why Frosty came to life--because that first snow of the year is like no other.  It's SPECIAL.

And that is exactly what we are experiencing today!  The first snow of the year.  And the boys are excited.  There are two reasons for excitement:  1.  SNOW.  Need we say more?    2.  Snow days from school!!!

Last year we had so much ice on the roads, which never got a chance to melt, that Christmas break stretched out approximately four months, what with snow/ice day after snow/ice day.  I'm already wondering if this year we'll have more of the same.

The day started with running outside to see the snowfall:

That's Sam, hunched over the bird bath.  The fact that it was frozen was very intriguing.  He spent a bit of time trying to break the ice with a baseball or stick, but to no avail.

Our house!

Pictching a baseball around the deserted road.

Snow angels!

Good job, boys!

 Then they climbed into the back of Marty's truck for snow scooping, throwing, and snowball building.  All in all, a good day.  They used Mom's ancient sled to go sledding down the back hill.  They threw snowballs.  They ate snacks and had hot chocolate and played video games.  And of course we drug out Monopoly and card games and Benny and I put together a big set of Shrinky Dinks.

And it turns out tomorrow is a snow day as well.  So the fun continues.  Stay tuned!


PS:  The deer were extra hungry yesterday--waiting by the front door for us.  One of these days I think they'll just come up the steps and knock on the front door, looking for the corn!

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