Monday, January 3, 2011

Bouncy Mayhem

Though they'd never admit it in a million years, the boys have cabin fever.  Christmas break has gone on too long.  They are out of sorts from being totally off schedule for three solid weeks.  They've eaten too much junk food, played too many video games, and been cooped up too many days due to snow or rain.  And frankly, they are sick of each other.

Know what Mom is sick of?  THE BICKERING.

Today I got them outside.  Sam was quick to go, and soon Benny followed.  When the boys reach this state, I know better than to just "send them out to play."  THAT is a recipe for both of them returning to the house bitter enemies, one hurt, one angry, and both of them pointing fingers.

So---I went with them. And supervised. And tried to perk everyone up.  One sure fire way to get the boys to stop staring at each other is to bring along the camera.  It gives them something fun to focus on.

Because the fun thing to do is to flail around and try to get Mom to take a really cool picture of the action in mid-air.

It started off tame enough, with football madness and struggles and such.

Then we got CRAZY with jumps. 

Rest assured, after each photo was clicked, the boys had to run to the edge of the trampoline and look at my camera to see the photo.  Love those instant results.  And then they'd try to do better or do something different.

Isn't that one spectacular?


One popular move which resulted in a good thirty minutes of activity was playing "ninja."  Check out Sam's pose.......

And look at Benny levitating in mid-nap.............

Even I got on there for a while.   And yes, it's fun!!

After they were worn out, we resumed our regularly scheduled programming.

But one more day, and they go back to school.  I think it's time--though I know they'd disagree!

1 comment:

Lou Hamilton said...

What fun action shots. You must have a really fast exposure. Looks like great fun!