Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Another Christmas has come and gone, and it was a good one!  We had to drag the kids out of bed at 9 a.m. to open presents.........

and there were lots of smiles all around.

And look what Santa brought Benny!

The sound of drums rocked our house all day long!

Then it was off to Cindy's for dinner and a visit by the Great Danes.........

Great food, and the dogs sure took a shine to the boys.

Then over to Granny's, with her disco tree and the piles of gifts, for present-opening.

Mike brought his handmade cigar box guitar, and Benny was fascinated.

Mike played some music for us!

Then it was on to gift opening and lots of laughing.  We drove home late and put everyone to bed content and happy.  And woke up to snow the next morning!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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