Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winter Doldrums amd Hearing Things

My guy is home sick from school again today.  He had one of his giant nonstop coughing attacks last night. He gets these in the winter.  Very frustrating for all involved.  Sam will be fine, everything is great, then he lays down to go to sleep and about thirty minutes later it's nonstop violent hacking. For a long time.

We have prescription meds and we know the drill....prop him up, run the mister, apply Vicks and give meds.  And wait.  And eventually the meds kick in and he sleeps.  But the next day is iffy.  He may bounce back feeling great, or he may be somewhat hungover, as he is today.  So, he is home, and is listlessly playing computer games. 

Benny pleaded to stay home today too, of course.  But it didn't work.

On a seperate note, does this happen to anyone else?  Every time I run the vaccuumn cleaner...I mean EVERYtime, I think I hear the phone ringing.  All the thousands of years I've been vaccumming, all the millions of times I've run that thing, I almost always stop in mid-vacuumn, switch it off, and listen.

All the times I've done this, only once was the phone actually, truly ringing.  But that one time just kind of validated all the other "Is that the phone?" moments. 

Weird, isn't it?

And with the hair dryer.  Most times I run the hair dryer, I keep thinking I hear a voice nearby, talking.  Today, for example, I was drying my hair just around the corner from Sam, with the door open, and I could have sworn I heard him talking to me.  I stopped, checked, but no Sam.  The minute I turned the dryer on again, I thought I heard his voice once more.

I think I may be losing my mind.  Oh well, considering how long that phenomenon has been going on, I guess I can't blame it on the winter doldrums.

Speaking of which, we are looking at a big storm moving in today, and three days worth of rain.  I'm so tired of rain.  And coughing.  And illness. And such.  But still. I know I have so much to be thankful for.  The kids aren't really that sick.  What a huge blessing to have healthy children.  My husband is really making his mark in the community with his wonderful photography, so much so that he was just interviewed and put in the paper!  The deer are back, the bear is gone.  Life is good, all is well.  And the sun will shine again.

And I will be sure to post it here when it does!


Tracy said...

Poor Sam. Between snow days, rain days and sick days, it's been a tough school year.

I laughed out loud about the vacuum and hair dryer. They both happen to me every single time.

Lou Hamilton said...

Hope Sam's better by now. That's no fun.

Same with me so now I carry the portable phone in my pocket when I vacuum -- it works.