Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mr. Literal

Sitting here going through all my documents, I found this "interview with Benny," that I did five years ago.  Keep in mind he was four years old at the time, and we'd just moved to Georgia.

I laughed re-reading it, because it just reminds me how literal my youngest is.  And how practical.

An Interview With Ben

June, 2005

Ben, what is your favorite color?


Favorite TV show?

The things I like. (mommy note: Blue’s Clues, Higgleytown Heroes, Jo-Jo’s Circus.

What are your favorite things to eat?

The things I like. (mommy note: Mac-n-cheese, cheese, ice cream and cake, oranges.)

What is the moon made of?

White stuff?

Why do birds sing?

Because they like to sing.

Why is the sky blue?

Because that’s what it does in the morning.

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

I don’t want to be an animal.

Will you be a daddy when you grow up?

I don’t want to grow up.


Because I think it might hurt. All that growing.

Do you like karate?

Yeah. You know why I like karate?


Because sometimes I get stripes. (Mom note:  Stripes are rewards for moving onto the next level. They come in all colors and each one is a major promotion, recognized and envied by all.)

Why do bunnies hop?

Because that’s how they’re made.


The interview ends abruptly, but isn't he wise?  I agree, who wants to grow up. 

And here's a little artwork from back then.

Today was SAM'S BIRTHDAY and this post should be all about him, but I have been too lazy to download my photos this evening.  So I will give him a proper birthday post tomorrow!  

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Tomorrow's blog...Sam's proper birthday post AND a re-interview with Benny. I'd love to hear his answers today!