Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pretty Flowers

 Every year in May, I plant a new batch of flowers in the window boxes Marty built on our front porch.  Today was that day.

I'm not a garden-y sort of person, though I sometimes wish I were.  I have to say, I just don't enjoy it.  I do enjoy the results, though.

Once the window boxes are planted, I feel like we're somewhat ready for summer.

So bring it on!

On a side note, on the other end of our porch hangs this bird house.  The boys bought it for Marty years ago.  It's always hung there as a decoration.

Until this year, when a chickadee decided to actually use it as a house!  We watched her and Mr. C fly back and forth with twigs and grass.  Then we watched Mr. C fly back and forth with bug after bug, feeding Mrs. C while she sat on the eggs.  Then we were treated to the sounds of tiny peeps (frantic peeps, I must say) every time Mom or Dad returned with a bug.   We did not see them fly the nest, but they are all gone now.  We hope they come back next year!

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