Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day!  And it was a good one here.  I got to sleep late.  I had lots of quiet leisure time. I had dinner with my Mom last night, talked to her on the phone today and will see her next week.  I went to Wamart for groceries and was given a red rose.

And of course, I had time with Sam and Benny.  The boys helped me fix dinner--Sam chopped and seasoned potatoes and opened a couple of cans, and Benny set the table.  We had a very nice meal and topped it off with a little ice cream cake!  A walk with Sam in the spring air was very, very nice--and of course, as always, we must engage in throwing rocks down the road as hard as we can to see who "wins."

And my boys did not forget me--I was well taken care of.

A fuzzy zebra towel, to match our favorite zebra blanket.


Fuzzy, pretty slippers!!

And from Benny, a beautiful soft pillow that we're all going to enjoy a BUNCH.  (the photo came out too blurry to post!)

Cards from the boys:

And Benny's:

The kitties on the card have special meaning.  Benny and I are into kitties lately--what with Poe and Lucy being adopted, and Benny and I are reading "the Warriors" series of books together--about cats living in the wilderness and having big adventures.

Could I ask for better kids?  Nope.  I am so glad and so lucky to have them.   And lucky to have my mom, too---she's so special.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Your kids may not be Saints, but they are pretty close to perfect. They are incredible boys with an incredible mom. Happy Mother's Day!