Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Days

Could you ask for a larger thrill than a snowfall in Georgia?  Not when you're a small boy who lives for that rare, once or twice a year frolick in the snowy yard.  Today was the first snowfall of the winter and the boys are thrilled.

School closed at eleven this morning because snow was on the way.  Sure enough it began to fall around noon.  The boys went straight outside. 

The stilts they got for Christmas were perfect for walking around in the powdery yard.  They also laid down in the leaves...which were barely dusted with snow...and made angels.  Once Sammy came home, they ran around in a full blown snowball fight.  At one point I looked out the window and saw Benny walking around with a snow moustache.  I wonder how the Georgia snow tastes this time of year?

They went out, they  played, the came in.  They went back out.  They came in.  They went back out.  And so forth, and so on.

I've taken lots of pictures and videos of it all, so I'm enjoying it too.  Tomorrow school will most likely be closed due to icy's cold out there and supposed to remain that way!

So...not a bad way to ease back into school after three weeks off....a full day of school, a half day, then a snow day.

And of course, snow is not complete without hot chocolate and hot baths and snowball fights and wet clothes and shoes everywhere, which I take care of, and lots of wood chopping, fire building, and fire stoking, which Marty takes care of.  It all makes the house feel cozy and warm.  I couldn't live with snow for months at a time, but for the few days it visits us, I love it!


Tracy said...

Jealous you guys get to have a REAL fire in the winter.

Kelly Bingham said...

Oh yes. The boys love it. Benny is particularly interested in the chopping wood and building the fire process. Marty has taught him well!