Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ice Cream and Reading

How are ice cream and reading connected?  When you're in fourth grade, they are connected by one word:  PARTY.

When you meet 100% of your Accelerated Reader goal for the year, you are rewarded with an ice cream party in the library! And this year, despite numerous snow days once again, and having to tackle some very large, heavy books in the homestretch, Benny met his A.R. goal.

So I headed down to his school to help out.  Spring is here---look at the lovely trees in bloom!

Benny's school.

The library!  Lots to read!

Here come the kids!

They were happy and ready to have a good time.  These kids put some serious time into reading this year and they deserved every last treat they got.   The party started off with bringing their lunch to the library--what a treat!  The librarian (and she is fantastic) played lots of finger-snapping, chair-bopping, kid-friendly music to set the mood.  Everyone danced and joked and ate and laughed.  These kids can make even small things fun.

Then it was on to the ice cream buffet.  Toppings:  Chocolate chips, oreos, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and caramel sauce.  And yes, that long haired boy in the middle is Benny!

After a serious chow-down, the kids had to hurry back to class.  This is two years in a row I got to see Benny have his ice-cream party.  And he just yesterday told me that his new goal is to read one million words!!  And yes--they have ways to figure that out at the library, and they have special markers on the wall for all the hundred-thousand words mile points.  Wow!  Looks like we'll be doing a lot of reading over the summer!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

A MILLION words! Well as long as you're not the one that has to count the words, then I think it's a great goal. And if anyone can do it, Benny can!