Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sam's Soccer Time

Fall soccer season is well underway.  With a month of practices behind us, this week we jumped into games.  Sam's games started this week, so this post is all about him. (Benny to follow.)  Sam's first game of the season was in Blue Ridge, against the Fannin kids.

The kid were up for the game, focused, and ready to play.  They got out there and had a great time.

They also won the game, and Sam scored a goal.  But honestly, for Sam, though he enjoys winning, he simply enjoys PLAYING.  His night does not hinge on win or lose, it only relies on getting on the field.

He's definitely a team player.  And though by the end of the season I'm pretty sick of sitting at the soccer fields, dealing with tired sweaty kids out late on school nights, and keeping up with soccer gear, it's all very much worth it.

Here's to a good season!

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