Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chocolate Mice

Benny came home from the school book fair with a new, very exciting object. He got a light-up moon.  But wait, that's not all.  The moon comes with a remote control.  But wait, there's more.  It shows all the phases of the moon!

He was very excited about it because they are studying that very thing in school.  So he was able to walk me through the waxing and waning and quarters and such with an outstanding visual model.  It's very nice.

After we played with that a while we got busy on a much anticipated project:  Chocolate Mice.

Gram sent us a Halloween cookbook and chocolate mice are one of the creations inside.  The boys chose that for their first recipe.  But wouldn't you know it, I could NOT find the string licorice required for mouse tails. I also could not find the tiny red candies needed for eyes or ears.

So we decided to make chocolate hamsters.

Of course we have an adorable model right here at home:

And the reason we made chocolate hamsters if because I had some Good and Plenty candies for use for the tails.  We planned to use pink for the tails and white for the eyes.  Okay, it sounded a little flimsy, but we hoped it would work.

We got busy melting and stirring.  We shaped, we burned our fingers, we worked and made a giant mess. 

And we ended up with....

Imagine the chocolate squares are eyes...and the white things the ears.....

Okay, they were sort of a disaster.  But they tasted great!  And the kids were happy. And that's really the only end result required in a situation like that.



Tracy said...

I got down to that last picture and burst out laughing!! I love the enthusiasm and I love any activity that gets kids in the kitchen. But a hamster that thing is not. Haha. What if we called it a All Hallows Eve witching rodent?

Glad they were tasty though! Looking forward to the next recipe.

Lou Hamilton said...

Like Tracy, I burst out laughing too. Thanks for my good morning chuckle! They are cute and I like the idea Tracy had - a new name.