Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Green Eggs and Bacon

What a crazy day Sunday was.  First of all, we woke up to this.  Snow!  We weren't getting much snow at all at home, then we headed out to North Carolina to visit family.  Not far from town we took this photo, encountered icy roads like crazy, and drove through heavy flurries of big fat snowflakes!
But within minutes, we drove right out of it. And in NC, the weather was sunny and gorgeous, without a cloud in the sky. And the snow was all gone by the time we came home, too.
Then Benny and I made dinner.  This was the birthday of Dr. Suess, so we decided to celebrate.  Who doesn't like at least one Dr. Suess book?  When Sam was little, he loved the book GREEN EGGS AND HAM.  Maybe because "Sam" was a character in the book?
Oh Sam I am,
Oh Sam I am,
I do not LIKE
Green Eggs and Ham!

But we liked our green eggs and ham (um, bacon) just fine.  Benny did a great job on the eggs, and I cooked the bacon.


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