Saturday, May 21, 2011

Honor Role

Yesterday was Sam's end-of-the-year awards ceremony. I was lucky enough to get an invitation, because Sam got two awards!

I know it's a trite phrase, but it really does seem like yeseterday that Sam and I went to Clear Creek Middle School Open House last fall, just a week before he was due to begin there.  The incoming sixth graders, milling about the halls with wide eyes, looked so LITTLE. And so YOUNG. Middle school? Surely they were not ready!

But sixth grade had arrived, so there we were, finding his classes and meeting his teachers.  Sam was nervous about becoming a middle school student.  I was nervous too.  Let's face it, things can go wrong for your child at any step along the way, but middle school seems to be the first big opportunity for your child to stumble, start snowballing, or fall into trouble.

I was worried about big things.  Sam was worried about---his locker.  And remembering the combination. Sam lived in fear that he'd forget his combination and have to ask a teacher for help.  Oh, the shame.  But you should have seen the look of relief on his face when he tried out the locker at Open House and discovered it was pretty easy to do.  He got even happier and more relieved when he saw the faces of a few friends (two boys who also looked nervous) and realized they'd have some classes together, and have lockers near each other.  Once he established that, you could see a huge weight roll off his shoulders.

And now he's done with sixth grade.  Just like that, he sailed through.  He was in "challenge" classes all year, too--and did great.

Today's awards included honor role:

As well as an award for reading (a minimum of) 25 books this year. 

I am so proud of him!  Not because of any award, but because.  

But this means that seventh grade is a just around the corner.  Seventh grade??? How is that possible?

Well, let's hope seventh grade is another good year.

Way to go, Sam!


Tracy said...

This post made me tear up. Sam is a great kid. And you are a great Mom.

Now let's try to slow time down.

Kelly Bingham said...

Thank you! You are, too! And yes: Time needs to SLOW DOWN. I am not ready for seventh grade...high school...etc. It's going too fast.

Lou Hamilton said...

I hate to tell you ladies, but time goes TWICE as fast for grandmas. Don't know why - it's some kind of trick of fate (or of being around for as long as we have.)

Just like yesterday, I remember Cory on the same night before 6th grade and his biggest concern was ----- his locker! Yep, same one. Unfortunately, his wouldn't open & panic began to grow. Even a teacher tried it & couldn't get it to open. But he made it thru that year, intact, & of course your Sam will too. Oh these milestones.