Friday, September 24, 2010

Team Photos

We sure like getting action shots of the boys when they play soccer.

Marty covered their game last week and got a lot of great pictures.

       But this time of year we also do the team photo shoot.  This is the mainstay of our photography business.  This is when the kids line up and have individual portraits done, and parents order their photo packages and buttons and other photo products.  Last week we did the team and individual photos for Sam's team, for the third year running.

We like to use a backdrop for individual photos, but this year the parents requested we take a full body shot with a natural background and the foot on the ball.  So we did.

Doesn't he look great? And what a fantastic photo!  (Taken by Marty!)

The team poses for their standard formal portrait.

Then the FAVORITE part for every team, every sport that we do: The jump up in the air picture. 

Always accompanied with a "YEY!!!"

Don't you love the energy on those faces?  (And this was after one hour of running around the soccer field in extremely HOT hot sunshine and the kids were getting tired.

YEY for team photos!


Tracy said...

If you guys can take countless team and individual photos of sweaty, tired kids and STILL say Yey for team photos, then you guys are in the right business.

Lou Hamilton said...

These truly are some great shots. The kids will really appreciate these when they're showing them to their kids! For now, the parents can do the appreciating that they have such great photographers living right in their town.