Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I haven't blogged in a week because lately we are busy doing non-bloggable things.  We've been doing a ton of this:

Games and practices. Practices and games.

And we've been doing a ton of this:

Baseball and soccer team and individual portraits.

The kids are pretty darn cute.

And happy.

Along with tons of portrait sessions come days of sorting orders, paperwork, making photo buttons and trading cards and pretend magazine covers with adorable children on them.

Mix that in with the usual piles of laundry, getting dinner on the table each night, homework, housework, and grocery shopping, and you get the picture.  Non-bloggable, but real life.

More pics soon!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Wow, those are some super cute kids. They could be on Wheaties boxes. I love what you and Marty do. I wish I could get into something like that! If we lived close, I'd be your assistant :)