Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Soccer Season Has Begun

And this person is very happy about it.

The very first practice of the season was not even with his team, but he was so crushed to think there was a practice going on and he was not part of it that when he found out he dissolved into a heartbroken lump on the couch.  Fortunately the coach knows Sam and said he's welcome to practice with his team anytime. So we went to that practice and Sam got his soccer fix.  And last night he finally had his first official practice for his "real" team.

There was stretching.....


And kicking.  Lots of kicking.  Hours of kicking.

After nearly three hours of practice, it got dark and everyone called it a day.  Sam said, "Can't I stay and take some goal shots?  Do we HAVE to quit?  Can't we stay?"

"No, Sam. It's 8pm and we still have to have dinner, baths, and go to bed and be ready for school tomorrow."

Sam:  "No fair."

Tell me about it!


Tracy said...

Great shots...yours and your boy's!

Glad spring is here and these kids of ours can get outside and run.

Lou Hamilton said...

He just looks like he belongs in an English prep school, playing for the queen's pleasure.