Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter 2012

Every year, the highlight of preparing for Easter has always been the dying of the eggs.  I love to watch the kids make beautiful colored eggs, and I often join in with a few extra eggs I boil just for me.  So imagine my shock this year when both boys decided they were "too old" for dying eggs.  What??  No WAY.

As you can see, I pushed them into dying the eggs, and they went along with it, and maybe even had fun.  But I wonder.  Will I have to push them into it next year, too?  Is it over?  Already?  How can you be too old to do something so fun?  It's just not fair.

In any case, the boys dyed their eggs, and Poe watched.  They griped at me for taking photos, and nobody wanted pictures of them (another lovely new thing that comes with age) but I made the best of it.

And in the end, look what pretty eggs we had.  And the boys were not scarred for life, as they might have feared.

Let it be known that there was not one single mention of being "too old" for Easter Baskets. Nope, we had those hidden as usual, filled with candy, and the boys enjoyed them.

This year we had Mom and Dad come to our house for Easter dinner, and it was lots of fun to plan the menu and put it together.  We all sat outside and enjoyed the very warm weather.  And everyone got a little something from the Easter Bunny.

Unfortunately, Easter was immediately followed by a round of illness for everyone, starting off with Sam coming down with pink eye that Sunday night.  But that is a story for another post.  For now, I will just enjoy the photos of the egg dying, because who knows--it may be the last one I can talk them into.

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