Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gatlinburg, Part One

This year the boys had a new school vacation called "Winter break."  A whole week off in the middle of February!  We decided to hit the road and go to Gatlinburg for a few days!

At the top of the mountains, we ran into a snowfall.  The boys were thrilled!  It was very pretty while we drove through it.

The boys especially liked driving through tunnels.

The next day the snow was still on the ground when we woke up. 

It very quickly melted away, though, but we had fun while it lasted.

The time share we stayed in was very nice.  The boys hooked up their video games and got busy entertaining themselves while Mom showered and got ready for the day.

Then it was off for the highly anticipated trip to WONDERWORKS!

And yes, the place is upside down.  The story is that a crazy science lab was picked up from the Bermuda Triangle by a wild tornado, and dropped down here in the USA.

Inside the museum, there are rooms filled to the hilt with hands-on science things.  The kids can "fly" a space shuttle, see how fast they can throw a ball, experience a hurricane force wind, an earthquake, and all kinds of stuff.  They can lie on a bed of nails, ride a flight simulator, learn about sound waves, and best of all, we can climb around on a three-story high obstacle course, suspended above the floor!  Yes, we are connected a system of safety harnesses and rails, but still--it's not for the faint of heart.

After a day at the museum, we went into town for a quick walk that evening.  Marty found a corn dog.

I found some ice cream!

We went up in the "Space Needle!"

View from the Space Needle!

All in all, a spectacular first day in Gatlinburg!

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