Friday, May 21, 2010

Flower Time

It must be summer.  Because the start of summer around here means two things.  School lets out (yep, today.) And I plant my window boxes.

Marty built them for me when we first got married.  I take pride and pleasure in filling them up each year.  I like to mix it up and try new flowers each time.  Last year I found one plant that butterflies loved, so I got it again.  I have a nifty tiny hummingbird feeder that hangs from a small stand, perfect for sticking in among the flowers.  Last year it was very popular with the hummers.  But with the bear back in town, I am holding off feeders of any kind, particuarly on the porch.

Aren't the boxes well made?  And they look like they were built in with the house.  Marty did a good job!  It's so nice to pull up in the driveway and see colors and blooms.

Our little Dutch horse, which was a wedding gift from a friend.  We sure like him, but he sure falls off the hanger a lot.

By the end of summer, the window boxes are tired, leggy, overgrown, and faded.  It beomes therapeutic to finally tear the flowers out and empty the boxes entirely, where they wait all through winter for spring to come again.  But for now?  For now, it's the very beginning of summer, and everything is fresh, small, hopeful, and new. 

Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Lou Hamilton said...

Hard to believe your school's are out so early. Our boys have another month to go. Hope to see your Williamsburg pictures.