Sunday, May 20, 2012

5th Grade Picnic

Yep, it's here already.  The end of the school year!

I have to say this year went exceptionally fast. (For me.)  It really does seem like a few months ago we were selecting backpacks, filling them with supplies, and the boys were climbing into bed, excited for their first day of school the next day and seeing all their friends again.

But now it's all behind them and they both worked very hard this year.  There was a LOT of reading. Lots of testing. (TONS.)  Lots and lots of vocabulary memorizing.  Every Friday both boys had to memorize a huge list of fancy words.  There were poster projects and field trips and CRCT's and sicknesses and rain and cold and heat and lots and lots of early mornings in the dark in the car, waiting for the bus to arrive.

But that's all over with now and it's SUMMER TIME!

But first we had one last school party.  Benny's school had a 5th grade awards ceremony on Thursday, followed by a schoolwide picnic and mass kickball game.  First came the awards ceremony.

Benny made Honor Roll! 

Then came the picnic.

During the picnic, Benny's teacher told me that this year the class had been "Truly exceptional and wonderful...a great group of kids."  I couldn't agree more, based on what I've seen.

And next year, Benny will be in BAND.  He is very excited.

Along with the picnic came some horsing around.

Lots of horsing around.

Then kickball!

Though it was blazing hot, everyone had a blast, and more than one child was bouncing off the walls with energy and excitement.  They worked hard all year, and now they get to play hard for a few months of summer bliss.

Congratulations, Benny!